Atlantic City Parking and Transportation |
CASINO PARKING GARAGES - There is plenty of parking at all of the major casinos, many within easy walking distance of both the Atlantic City Convention Center and Boardwalk Hall. Cost varies from a low of $5 to a high of $20 for the length of your stay. Each casino offers a Players Card at no charge that gives many beneifts including cheaper parking rates. If attending both events, it might make sense to you to park in between the two buildings or closer to Boardwalk Hall where you might be fnishing your evening after the races on Friday and Saturday nights. Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino is adjoining Boardwalk Hall and is offering special perks during the week- end for race fans.
SOUTH JERSEY TRANSPORTATION PARKING OUTDOOR LOTS - are available at a very reasonable rate. One lot is located on the corner of Fairmont and Mississippi Avenues at the end of the Atlantic City Expressway. It is located within easy walking distance of the Convention Center. Another close lot is located on the corner of Missouri and Atlantic Avenue.
ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER INDOOR PARKING GARAGE - is located under the Convention center and is open 24 hours. Parking is $12 for the first four hours, $2 for the 5th hour and then $1.00 for each additional hour.
TAKE THE TRAIN RIGHT INTO THE CONVENTION CENTER - The final stop of New Jersey Transit's Atlantic City Express goes directly inside the Convention Center, the location of the Motorsports show. The train is very reasonable to ride and parking at most pick-up locations is free. Check for schedules and prices.
The Atlantic City Jitney Association and N.J. Transit joined together to provide a free shuttle service between the Atlantic City Rail Terminal and all the casino locations in Atlantic City.
When you arrive at the rail terminal, use the Kirkman Boulevard exit. In front of the convention center on Kirkman Boulevard there are four bus stops with signage for each of the casinos. The buses depart the train station shortly after each train arrives.
The buses also provide free service for your return trip to the train station. The buses pick up passengers at designated stops at each casino approximately 30 minutes before the departure time for each train. The designated stops are marked "Train Shuttle" and are located at or across the street from where you were dropped off when you arrived.
Estimated travel time between locations is approximately 8 to 15 minutes, depending on your final destinations
If the normal buses are not operating for some reason, we will substitute one of our Jitneys to provide the service but all other information such as free service, stops, and times remains the same.
ONCE IN TOWN, TAKE THE JITNEY - Atlantic City is famous for its small Jitney buses that run frequently 24 hours a day. You can ride on a Jitney for just $2.00 per person. All Jitney's ride up and down Pacific Avenue (one block off the Boardwalk, where Boardwalk Hall is located). For your convenience, every sign located by each casino stop has color-coded numbers. The No. 3 Green and No. 4 Orange routes leaves Pacific Avenue to make a stop at the front entrance of the Convention Center.
Jitney Buses run frequently 24 hours a day. The Jitney stops are located on the corner of every route and originate one block from the Boardwalk on Pacific Avenue. For your convenience, every sign located by each casino stop has color-coded numbers.
New Hampshire Avenue to Jackson Avenue, via Pacific Avenue.
The Marina Area - Trump Marina and Harrah's via Delaware Avenue to Pacific Avenue.
The Marina Area - Trump Marina and Harrah's via Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. to the Inlet on Pacific Avenue.
From Jackson Avenue to Indiana Avenue, to Atlantic Avenue go to Michigan to the Bus Terminal, new Convention Center & Train Station. The Orange route only runs from 7 am to 7 pm.
CABS - In Atlantic City, you can take a cab ride to anywhere in the city for just $8. Cabs are located directly outside of the Convention Center.
Click on image for printable Atlantic City parking map |
Arial view of Atlantic City showing Boardwalk Hall |